Flickr Music Photo Journal Photostream

Warren Zevon 1982 (Ithaca College)

Scanned from Original Ilford hp-5 Black and White negatives…

Of a Warren Zevon concert held at Ithaca College on October 2, 1982.

Andrew (SDC) - View my 'Waren Zevon 1982 (Ithaca College)' set on Flickriver

I had scanned these months ago, but during a recent Facebook exchange, I got a chance to Post these to Flickr.

If you are old enough to remember, awesome!

If not, to bad…

Hope you enjoy “Memory Lane”!

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Blogging Chester County Facebook Flickr Online Life

“Chester County (PA) Photography” on Facebook!

This is an Announcement of the “Chester County (PA) Photography” Fan Page on Facebook!

The Group is primarily devoted to the Chester County (PA), a South Eastern part of Pennsylvania

We are also working in association with several area Flickr Groups:

Please feel free to join us!

– Andrew
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astronomy Chester County Downingtown Flickr Nature Photo Journal Photography Photostream Science space

2010 Winter Solstice – Lunar Eclipse

Winter Solstice - Lunar Eclipse - Composit 01
Winter Solstice-Lunar Eclipse - Composit 01

It was a cold early morning with a steady wind blowing across the area, but the night sky was crisp and cloud free!

While waiting for the event to start, I was reading various Facebook posts from friends talking about how the clouds in their area where making in nearly impossible to see the moon.

I was also using “The Photographer’s Ephemeris (TPE)” software program to figure out a particular capture I had in my mind.

Finally, at about 1am, I packed up my car with my camera bag, tripod and extra clothing, and set off to my secret location.

Driving to my location was very easy, and I was surprised not to see many people out looking into the sky.

After getting to “my” location, and setting up, I realized, “my shoot” was not going to happen with the event occurring nearly straight over head.

Oh well, I was going to get some picture no matter what.

What really surprised me was how bright the moon was!

I did take a few early shoots from “my secret location”, but then packed up and headed back home because the wind was cutting right through me.

At home, I setup again, but used the garage to block some of the wind, and I was able to go inside to warm up a little between captures, and have a beer!

Initially, I was able to shoot at ISO100 at 1/15-1/80 in the ƒ8-11 range, but by the full eclipse, I had to push the CCD sensory speed up to ISO1600, and focusing was becoming very difficult.

By 3am, I packed up for the morning, and went inside.

I was too tired to download my images, and went to bed.

After a night to recover, I finally transferred my 150+ images my computer, and used Adobe Lightroom to sort though all of them.

Even with a tripod, I was able to notice, the wind moved the camera just enough to cause many rejects.

I ended up shooting a 50:1 ratio, which is not very good, but if I had been using traditional film, I would have gone broke with processing charges!

Yeah Digital!

I did spend some time looking on Flickr to see what others had captured before I created my final composite, and finally posted everything to my “2010 Winter Solstice – Lunar Eclipse” Flickr set.


NASA – “Eclipses During 2010

Flickr group – Lunar Eclipse December 21 2010

– Andrew
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Barn Chester County Facebook Flickr Friday Foto Pennsylvania Personal Photography Photostream West Chester

VisitPA – Friday Foto and Madison’s 7th Birthday!

Abiah Taylor Barn (1724) - VisitPA’s “Friday Foto”
Abiah Taylor Barn (1724) VisitPA’s “Friday Foto”

WOW! What a morning of activity!

My alarm clock did not go off…

No need, instead, all one could hear in the house was the screaming giggles of joy!

“It’s my Birthday! It’s my Birthday!”

Madison is now 7, and I think the whole township is aware!

After getting the kids off to school and daycare, I could start my day by checking in with the world.

As I checked Facebook, I too got my own present!

My “Abiah Taylor Barn (1724)” image that I had taken on Tuesday (12/14) had been selected as this week’s VisitPA’s “Friday Foto“!

This is my second “Friday Foto“, with my first one back in September, and once again, I am deeply honored for the recognition!

What was really humbling, was reading some of the comments…

A couple of people posted say that the images reminded them of the work of Andrew Wyeth.

I have a LONG way to go, if ever, to reach that caliber of mastery.

But I do wish to Thank again for their selection!


Happy 7th Birthday Madison! — We Love you very much!

– Andrew
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Announcements Flickr Photostream

Biggest Flickr Visit Day! (432 visits)

432 visits today on Flickr !

The images that were getting the most view were of the Downingtown Christmas Parade!

Thank you ALL for visiting!

Andrew (SDC) - View my '2010 Downingtown Christmas Parade' set on Flickriver
– Andrew
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