Blogging Brain Farts Rants Thoughts

Politicians 101.01

Politicians are the only “professionals” where the Employer (We the People) pay/donate to the Employee to get a Job… and in many cases, once elected, the Employee (Politician) then makes MORE than the Employer in terms of salary, benefits and vacation…

Congressional Salaries and Allowances (January 7, 2014)

Just a thought…

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Blogging Note to Self Pennsylvania Personal Rants Thoughts

Not invited to the Party…

I just got back from trying to vote in the PA primaries…

As the volunteers were schmoozing my six-year-old daughter, I was asked what Party I was with, to which I said, “I’m unclaimed”, and proceed to look at the map of where to go.

I heard a women behind me say, ‘you need to think quick or you can’t vote’, to which I turned around and said that I am a registered Independent. (Have been since I was 18)

The group of volunteers then told me that during primaries in PA, only registered Democrats and Republicans can vote.

Yes, I had forgotten this little detail of politics, and yes it ticked me off the last time…

So because I have declared my independence of either party, I am segregated because… Why?

“Not good enough”?

“Not clean enough”?

“Not a follower”?

Folks, it was called the Declaration of Independence, that formed our government here is Philadelphia over 234 years ago!

As my daughter and I left, I did have some comments to the volunteers about how this “rule” is just part of the corruption of a two-party system, and that both parties are failing the people, and things need to change.

So much for trying to illustrate to my daughter the importance of voting as a civic duty.

She and I did talk more about it back at the car…

Wonder which “Party” she is going to choose?