The past is infinite, and as infinite, as the future…
We live in the sliver of time in between…
What is now?

The past is infinite, and as infinite, as the future…
We live in the sliver of time in between…
During my early days in boarding school, it was not uncommon that near the end of the term, our clothing would start to get a little ragged.
It was also not uncommon to see duct tape used in some very creative fashions.
Since that time, I have seen duct tape used in everything from patching a wound to making a sailboat.
But I returned to the humble beginnings of how duct tape is best known, with this visual example –
Just another exciting example of what one can do with duct tape!
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Politicians are the only “professionals” where the Employer (We the People) pay/donate to the Employee to get a Job… and in many cases, once elected, the Employee (Politician) then makes MORE than the Employer in terms of salary, benefits and vacation…
Congressional Salaries and Allowances (January 7, 2014)
Just a thought…
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Editing of some photographs, and as I’m deleting dust, I realize they are birds…
I’ve been doing long exposure for too long…
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