Blogging Photography

Where is Photography going?

As I was drinking my morning coffee and checking-in with the world on Facebook, Ed Heaton posted an article that he had found on ProNature Photographers entitled: “The Future May Be The Commercial Nature Photographer” by Charlie Borland.

In the article, it is suggested that the professional nature photographer needs to expand and move into the new areas of digital video, especially with the advent of HD dSLR video cameras, and he uses the term “Commercial Nature Photographers”.

Later in the article, Mr. Borland mentions that he has done a search for photographers on, and was able to find a position called “Visual Information Specialist”, which suggests an all encompassing jack-of-all-trades skill set and knowledge.

In follow-up posts to Ed’s original Facebook entry, have others agree with the basic premise of the article and also suggest a need for writing skills.

I too have to agree with the premise that photographers need to expand.

Back in the days when we spent hours in the darkroom, are now spent learning how to get “eyeballs” on our work, which includes marketing in many different forms, especially in the area of social media.

One question I do have is, if photographers move into video, are still photographers going to learn the video tools? or are they going to farm out the video editing?

In regards to writing, it seems natural that blogging would be an entry point for any photographer, especially if they can document their adventures in interesting fashion.

How are photographers going to handle the technical side of these new endeavors?

Already, with each new revision of software, and computer power, applications are becoming increasingly more time-consuming to learn let alone put into work-flow.

With all the other demands that a photographer must deal with; clients, accounting, marketing, etc., are they going to have the ability to take on these additional tasks?

I have a feeling that a new sub-industry, or redefinition of existing industry is about to occur.

Back in the day when film was king, and everything was done by hand including retouching, can now be done on the computer, but who does this? Is it you? Is it your assistant? Do you have somebody that can do this for you?

Needless to say, there is change coming, and those that can adapt are going to survive.

What do you think??

– Andrew
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Blogging Note to Self Online Life Personal

Iconic digital Dr. Jekyll vs. Mr. Hyde syndrome

This new FB ability to switch your profile if your an Admin… I don’t know how many times, I’ve Posted something under the wrong face! – an iconic digital Dr. Jekyll vs. Mr. Hyde syndrome!

With so many different accounts, and all so inter connected with URLs and Usernames, I never know, who I sending out as!

And then with the email alias!

Am I me… or my kids…
Accounts Payable… or Receivable…
Marketing… IT… Webmaster…

Who am I!

In my desire to be an Individual, I have become many!

– Andrew (I think…)
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Blogging Chester County HDR Photo Journal Photography Projects Reviews Software

Covered Bridges of Chester County – Phase 1 – DONE

Covered Bridges of Chester County – Phase 1 – DONE

After many hours of work on this project, I am happy to announce that I have completed the First Phase of this project!

Back in October of 2009, when I took my first pictures of Bartram’s Cover Bridge in Newtown Square…

I knew I liked covered bridges…
the look…
the history…
the engineering…

I had no idea that it would become this obsession!

Than, almost a year, to the day, I completed my Chester County Covered Bridge captures.

Generally, I posted them to Flickr, and would then add the images to my blog.

Blogs ago…

Initially, my website was based on DotNetNuke, but as I got into blogging more, the blogging options within DNN, were just not worth the cost.

For a while I was using the DotNetNuke blog module, but on two separate occasions, while doing some maintenance work in the background, my blog blew up.

Needless to say my productivity was very low during this time.

I did learn a lot nuke during that time, but the direction I was moving, was not going to allow me to thoroughly investigate all the functionality of DotNetNuke.

A little over a month ago, I decided to start from scratch again.

But this time in a totally WordPress environment.

Thankfully, I had most of my blog entries already in basic HTML format, so it was just a couple of nights of copying and pasting. I did have to redo some CSS coding, but that turned out to be fundamentally better for the overall look and feel of my website.

You might call this an evolution in my thinking of how to create maintain and operate a website.

Be that as it may, I have learned a lot, and with the coding gods help, my site will stay up and running for a long time.

The Journey…

As for Phase One of my Covered Bridge project, during the journey, the effort seems to have paid off more than the actual goal.

During the adventure, I was able to find great websites that pointed me in the directions of the bridges.

I used Google Earth and maps, to plot my coordinates into Maggie’s GPS, and I was off and running.

Having lived in Chester County for over 30 years, I thought I knew the area fairly well, but nothing prepared me for the beauty that seems to be uniquely Chester County’s.

It is very hard to believe that one can drive down a major road such as Route 30, turn left or right, travel for about 5 to 10 miles, make another left or right, and then be bombarded with the beauty of rolling fields of corn, hay or tobacco, and in between the fields, beautiful barns and silos of all colors, and of course the Covered Bridges.

I was also amazed that most of the bridges were in good condition, especially in these economic times.

Of course the more heavily traveled bridges such as Rapps and Knox-Valley Forge need a little work, but it is mostly cosmetic, i.e. a couple of nails and a good paint nails job, but who am I to say…

The Photography…

This project was also my first real exploration into the realm of HDR photographic techniques.

I knew the basic concepts behind HDR from my work using Ansel Adams’ Zone System in my black and white work.

What was really new to me, was the software side.

In the past, I had tried to create HDR images with Adobe Photoshop CS3, but the scripts always crashed the application, no matter how many times I had tried.

Using Google, I was able to hunt down many HDR software packages, and from there, I started to explore.

The Software…

The basic thing that I learned in using the various software packages that I found, was that it comes down to personal taste.

All the software applications that I used, allowed for some form of tone mapping, but the way you interact with the tone mapping controls, varies in some cases, significantly from one app to the next.

Another consideration, is what type of file format is used to bring the original captures into the software application.

Picturenaut (

The first application that I used, Picturenaut, is donation-ware, which was a big plus at the start.

The biggest obstacle that I had initially, was converting my DNG files over to TIFF, but within Adobe Lightroom I was able to easily set up an Export function to do the dirty work.

Once you are inside the application, it is just a matter of importing your series of images, the interface is a little bleak but I did like the fact that you had some additional tweaking features before import, such as EV settings editing.

There are a series of presets and I believe you can download more from the site.

I did have some problems with saving my files with a new name, but got around that by using the default name provided.

Even this renaming of files became a checkpoint for bringing that file back into my work-flow, but that is another subject.

I have seen the debates in regards to working with TIFF vs. DNG, and at the moment, I prefer to work with DNGs, namely because they cannot be edited directly, thereby taking on a template form for any future use.

Any actions you take on a DNG file, whether it be in Adobe Lightroom – which only modifies the metadata, or Adobe Photoshop – which will only let you do a “Save As”, your original image data is not touched or altered, either by accident or on purpose.

Needless to say this is a big plus.

Photoshop CS5 (

The reviews that I was reading on Photoshop CS5, seem to suggest that it was a good contender for dealing with HDR captures.

I had to maneuver some things and was finally able to set up a VM so that I could give Photoshop a test drive.

Once I got the VM up and running, I realized that I was going to have some issues with speed. Needless to say if you do run Photoshop, running it in the VM is not optimal, but serves my purpose at the moment.

I was very happy to see that when I tried to import my DNG files, CS5 brought them in without issue and did not crash!

Another thing that I really enjoyed, was the ability to select your “key-frame” for your HDR rendering.

Photomatix (

After working with Picturenaut and Photoshop, I decided to finally give Photomatix a try, which I have already reviewed.

In quick, I was very impressed with its speed, but it was very easy to see why, so many have indulged in the surrealistic side of the HDR spectrum.

HDR Efex Pro (

after watching several of the online videos, after watching several of the online videos, I signed up for a 15 day demo.

It took several days to get the license number, but once I did I fired up the demo in my VM.

I should have taken the extra time to read the requirements… you definitely do not want to run this on a VM.

You are running an application on top of Photoshop CS5, hence the need for very powerful machine with a lot of RAM and a very good video card.

Of all the applications I played with, this one looks like the most fun, but I was not able to really use the application in my VM environment, it was just too slow.

Which do I use?

As mentioned earlier in this posting, it seems to come down to personal choice but more importantly, how much are you willing to spend.

Picturenaut is the only Free one in the group. It is definitely very powerful but the user interface seems to be a little bit more technical.

Photomatix runs between $99-$129, depending if you want the plug-in or not. It seems to have the largest user base at the moment, and is very well regarded.

Photoshop CS5 has definitely revamped it’s HDR thinking, but carries a heavy basic price, $199-$999.

HDR Efex Pro definitely seems to be the premier environment for working with HDR at the moment, but it also comes at a very premium price, $159.95, on top of the need of Photoshop, and good hardware.

So take your pick, they are all going to do more or less the same thing, it is up to the artist to figure out which tools are the best for them, just remember some of the most beautiful and lasting things have been built with the simplest of tools.

Just remember to have fun, while you are learning.

New Friends and Contacts

A basic foundation of this project, has been

I joined Flickr in September of 2009, but did not do much with it until July of 2010, it which point I upgraded to a Pro membership, and that’s when things to begin to change.

As my images got invited to various Flickr groups, my contacts begin to grow.

I started with some local groups, then began to find specific groups for my interests, including Covered Bridges.

During this time, I received a great deal of feedback and comments that encourage me to continue on.

So thank you all for visiting my various sites and incarnations…

I thank you one and all!

– Andrew
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Blogging Software Website

Having problems with blog Entry editing

I am currently trying to figure out why when I edit the Photomatix software review, the word processor seems to get hung up within WordPress…

So I’m currently testing both my new Dragon voice-recognition software, while “writing” this blog entry…

I have a feeling that the issue may be related to the SEO software plug-in that I have installed.

Stay tuned for more details as I try to figure this mess out…

– Andrew
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@ 12:13 – I am able to save Drafts, but I am not able to publish the software review article… Trying up publish now with this entry… No Categories or Tags have been selected… All the WordPress SEO settings are set to default…

@ 12:17 – the published appears to have worked… There does appear to be an issue with my local clock on my computer and the published time on the blog, but is only a two-minute difference; blog running quicker… the “Uncategorized” category has been selected by default… I am going to try to deactivate the SEO software for the moment… “Update” button appears to be working plus the Autosave…

@ 13:01 – disabling the SEO software does not appear to have had any effect… I have also looked at the W3 caching plug-in and have disabled that… The control panel does not allow me as much administrator tools as I would have thought… I am currently looking into a database plug-in for WordPress… I seem to remember having issues getting the plug-in before to work correctly and gave up…

02/20 @ 22:54 – Still looking into this issue… It is driving me NUTS!

02/21 @ 00:24 – this is completely insane…

I have combed my code for any “weird” characters within the ASCII set…

I have even gone so far as to remove any links or code along those lines.

I have even gone to the extent of adding the paragraph tags, that are not normally needed when doing WordPress blogging.

I have cleared my caches… Tried both Firefox and Chrome… and I still cannot update my post on Photomatix…

Chrome does appear to be reacting any better, but some of my post still can take minutes to update…

I am now trying IE, in hopes that it may do better…


That is THREE DIFFERENT Browsers…

I have searched via Google for a resolution, but have not been able to find one. does not seem to really have anything either.

Frustrating is an understatement.

I have spent many hours on this condition.

At this point, I am just trying to post whatever I can.

I am even doing this entry in Dreamweaver, so that I have a text file to work from.

Needlessly, productivity has been very low this evening.

I have to seriously wonder if it is not a conflict between IIS and MySQL, both on WinTel.

02/24 @ 21:38 – I am STILL having problems!

Blogging How to(s)? Projects Reviews Software

Why the move to WordPress (self-hosted)?

After working with the DotNetNuke Content Management System (CMS) for over two years on my personal and several other websites, I finally made the decision to move to something a little less daunting.

Do not get me wrong, DNN is a very powerful system, but with the power comes complexity.

I needed something that did not require as much time to work with, so I started to look into WordPress.

I also realize, that the two systems are entirely different, and have two different audiences in mind.

DotNetNuke can be managed by one person, but that one person needs to be aware of several different underlying architectural environments. Having a programming background is also very desirable when tweaking in needed.

WordPress on the other hand, seems to be geared more for the casual user. Once set up, management of the software appears to be far easier than DotNetNuke.

In the following, I will attempt to do some illustrations in regards to the pros and cons DotNetNuke and WordPress.

By no means is this list comprehensive, but is based on over two years of working with DotNetNuke, and new installation of WordPress, as my new website environment. (I did run a (Free) site for approximately same amount of time… and I have a couple alter ego sites on WordPress…)



  • Free/Open Source
  • Very Powerful and Scalable
  • Supports many Microsoft development languages
  • SEO Friendly (w/Plug-Ins)


  • Complex
  • Windows Only
  • Requires Hosting Server
  • Simple Back-ups can be done w/Additional “Paid” Software
    – Depending on your Hosting company, Database backups may require additional purchased software.

DotNetNuke it is definitely geared towards an environment where there is someone or some folks that are willing to administer an environment where multiple technologies may be involved.

DotNetNuke is infinitely expandable with the various programming languages that are available to create modules and enhancements within this Content Management System (CMS).

When looking at the DotNetNuke homepage, you can see that many large corporations throughout the world use this CMS for their websites.

There is also a large development and support environment available for those that wish to use DotNetNuke, including, and the forums on the Main DotNetNuke website.

One of the things that I found very depressing about the DotNetNuke environment, was that every time I wanted to have additional functionality and something, it is it was either a great deal of work, or I had to pay for it.

I always felt that I was getting “Nickel and Dimed” for everything I wanted to do, including documentation and training.

A prime example of this would be the DotNetNuke blog module. Based in this day and age of blogs seems to be the quintessential format for all many websites. (Free)


  • Free/Open Source
  • Very Powerful
  • No Hosted Needed
  • SEO Friendly


  • Limited Enhancement options
  • No Google Analytics
  • No Google AdSense
  • Might be Block by Firewalls by far is the simplest of these three options presented, but what do you want?

There is no need to find a host, installation is nearly instantaneous, with a few clicks you can have your theme for your website, and you’re off and running.

With the free hosting version of WordPress, there is no advertising “things” that must be placed on your website, which I find very interesting, because I wonder how WordPress pays for itself.

Another Post, another time….

WordPress (Self Hosted)


  • Free/Open Source
  • Very Powerful
  • Google AdSense & Analytics
  • Very Powerful and Scalable
  • Multiple Platforms ( Wintel & Linux)
  • Very Low Hosting Fees
  • SEO Friendly (w/Plug-Ins)
  • Basic Back-up of the MySQL can be done with Free Plug-ins


  • Need a Hosting Server (Hosting Fees)

Because WordPress is open source, there are no cost associated with the base software, which does lower costs as one looks around at various hosting options.

I did research one vendor, that does have very low price, but what I found out was, the Advertised price was based upon an upfront one year obligation of hosting.

Once again the law of averages, for the hidden truth.

The ULTIMATE hosting environment would be comprised of Linux as a server operating system, Apache as your Web server, and MySQL doing the database backend, and the ability to use PHP scripts/language. Also known as, LAMP (or Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

There are thousands of Hosting Vendors that could fit this description… that is beyond scope of this post to really get into that issue…

Many of these Vendors also offer one-button installation of WordPress which for those that do not enjoy the fun of installation, one can just click… sit back and wait…

I did not do this so I cannot comment on the validity of these installs, but if there were an issue there would be far more complaints than what I was able to see in various forums.

Install – WordPress

I did a fair amount of reading to make sure, that I was moving in the right direction of a WordPress install..

I did my necessary backups of my DotNetNuke website…

I even converted many of the aspx pages to HTML, and then integrated them to my temporary blog site.

My site was my secondary backup, and served as my template for my new website.

Having been a Wintel System Administrator for 10+ years, I knew I needed to back up everything…

Several times over…

I confirmed with my hosting company,, that my hosting environment was able to accommodate WordPress…

I also confirmed the default structure of my hosting environment.

This was going to be a “Bare metal” / “Fresh” install.

I downloaded and unzipped the official WordPress installation package, and uploaded it to my webspace, and ran the installation script.

The installation ran extremely quickly… I was VERY surprised!

I was able to launch my website install the database etc. etc. etc. without issue…

Now it was time to customize.

Note – Another thing that struck me, was the fact that the administrator interface for WordPress is far easier to understand, then what one would face with DotNetNuke.

I am not going to get to each and every detail of the various ‘things’ that one can add to their web press environment, but needless to say there are thousands of different combinations that one could create to fit their personal taste.


WordPress (Self Hosted), in my opinion, is the most flexible of the three environments presented, but this is dependent on how much you want to be involved financially or through development.

For a Single User with some General knowledge, but not willing to deal with the test technical aspects, (Free), would be your best bet.

For a User with some Advance knowledge, but not willing to deal with the test technical aspects, WordPress (Self Hosted), might be a consideration, but be aware, the technical aspect, might become addicting…

For accompany willing to invest the time and finances, DotNetNuke can be an excellent platform to build from, they can easily grow as your requirements do.

Additional References

Because I installed into a mixed environment, Microsoft IIS (WinTel) and MySQL (Linux), I was confronted with several unique issues with my host that were easily resolved with numerous pre-published documents.

As part of my website reconfiguration plan, I set up on a, with a HTML page, that included a metadata redirect to my site, so I was never really “down”, my content was always available.

But in doing so, I choose to install into a sub-directory of my main website…

At first, when one went to, there would be a quick redirect page, then to the new Main.

I had to get around this pause…

The Crystal Tech support folks were able to point me to the following document, which also used to redirect but at a domain level, which I hope to use, later as I look into Drupla and Joomla.

[contentblock id=1]