Flickr Photo Journal Photography

Flickr Pro – Finally!

Back in September of 2009, I joined, and started to upload some of my photographic work.

At first, visits to my “Photostream” were slow as I began to figure things out, but with some encouragement of Friends, I began to add more images.

Then, today, after having spent the afternoon with Family down at the Downingtown Good Neighbor Day, I decided to take my Flickr account to the next level.

So here begins the next adventure of my digital life!

– Andrew
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Facebook Information Online Life Rants Reviews

Confessing my Addictions…

To All my Friends and Readers –

According to the “experts”, the first thing I need to do, is to admit to my addictions.

So, with your help, I am admitting to the world via my Blog and Facebook, I have two addictions that I am trying in desperation to “kick”, and I am looking for your support.

I’m not sure when it started, but I have tried very hard to remove these items from my life, and it has been difficult.

How did I get myself into this mess?!

Some would say, it comes with the profession…

All ways being out there…

But now, all I can think about is the time and money that I spent…

How will my wife and kids forgive me.

I tried to keep “it” out of sight… in my office… after they went to bed… in the middle of the night…

But I was just drawn into “it”…

“It” was all around me…

Then about 3 weeks ago, I had enough of “it”.

So far, the withdrawal symptoms have not been as bad as I thought…

‘One day at a time’

For the most part, I have been able to ignore the lure of “it”, but today, about an hour ago, I looked at one…

I stopped myself, and started this public confession, and maybe, I can finally “kick” this!

Started to Google for some answers, and did you know, it is not easy to find information on “How to sell your Farm or Café on Facebook?” or “How to quit your Farmville or Café on Facebook?”!

Tons of places for Cheats, but little useful info on Selling or Quitting.

So as I ask your help here:

– How does one Sell their Farm or Café on Facebook?
– How does one Quit their Farm or Café on Facebook?

If anyone has an Idea, PLEASE let me know!

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00 - Alerts Online Life Scams, it might cost me $20…

While paying my bills today, I noticed on my wireless bill, an additional charge for an item called “Premium TXT Messaging” service.

I am proud to admit, I did NOT use my cell phone for anything other than placing or receiving a call.

I have occasionally used my cell phone to verify accounts, Google, Facebook, etc., but that is it.

I do not do ring tones, or games or any text messaging.

I am boring on my cell phone.

So I was a little surprised to see two charges for this “Premium TXT Messaging” service.

I went online to my carrier’s website, logged in and found that there was no additional information on these charges, including billing contact info, so I resorted to calling my Carrier.

In talking with the Customer Service representative, I got the opinion that the Carrier has received numerous calls on this topic.

The Rep was able to provide me with a number to Text message (23687) a Cancellation request (stop), but was unable to provide a Refund for the charges, and it was up to me to contact the Vendor.

I went to the Vendor’s website,, and easily found a contact number: (877) 402-3687. is a sister website to, and both websites offer Cell Phone users a chance to sign-up for games, ring tones, etc.

Again, I do NOT use any of these enhancements, and was prepared to do some battle for a refund.

When I got a human on the first try, I was surprised. I explained my situation, and requested a refund.

I was told that they would be more then happy to take my number off their list and block any additional requests from my phone, but could not offer me a refund.

I said to the representative that I would blog about my experience, and would suggest a deceptive business practice, at which point she offered me a “Complimentary” Refund for one of the charges.

I tried to get a second one, but no luck.

In 2-3 weeks, I should be getting a check.

We’ll see.

In the mean time, I did a quick Google search on, and found the following:

One of the complaints suggests that the Vendor got the Users Cell Phone number from a Facebook game…

I am not sure how this happened to me, but I just wanted to illustrate how easy it can happen.

I know I have some Lawyers in my audience, is there anything else I can do?

Bottom line – Keep an eye on your Cell Phone bill.


Update 10-Mar-26
Just got a $9.99 check today from SendMe mobile! Let’s see if it clears!
– Andrew
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Facebook Online Life Polls

Facebook’s New Interface

Yesterday, many users of Facebook were greeted with a new interface from Facebook, and for the most part, no one seems to like it.

My initial thought was that people just needed some time to get use to how “it” works, but I have already experienced several issues:

Generally Slow Facebook performance
– Since last Friday (2/5), I have noticed a general slow performance with Facebook.
– Initially, I thought that this was because of the Blizzard that hit the East Coast, and that everyone was online, and was dragging the system down, but as of today, it has gotten a little better, but…

Status Updates not appearing immediately
– Several times I have posted an update, and then not seeing it. Posted again, only to find after several minutes, the original post would appear, leading to a double post.
– Initially, I thought this was related to my browser’s cache, but even with clearing it out, and rebooting my computer, I still noticed a delay.

Difficult to move from Game to Game
– In the old interface, one had their “Short Cuts” at the bottom of their screen and could just bounce from Game to Game, but now one has to go back to their Home page, into Games, than to the Game they want to play. Too many steps in my option.
– To be fair, I need to look into how to setup new “Short Cuts”, but…
– At the same time, it is interesting to see that others are Playing, but I do not have any more time to devote/waste…

Identity Issues
– I have a Personal page and a Fan page.
– When I post something on my Fan Page, and then later try to comment on the post via my Personal page, my post is seen as my Fan Page identity.
– This maybe due to a “cookie” conflict within my browser, and is really not a big deal, but at the same time, it just takes longer to accomplish the same thing.
– I need to test this with a different browser open to make sure…

NetworkedBlogs Issue(s)
– Just started to notice that the Facebook app, NetworkedBlogs, will not show or allow me to access my settings.
– Neither FireFox (2.6) and Internet Explorer (8) are allowing me to get to my Settings 

Twitter Status Updates
– from a reader [PW]: “and now the Twitter/status update feed doesn’t appear to be working. sigh.”
– [Update] > Working but very slow.

Inconsistent Home/Wall Updates
– Readers are reporting that Posts/Updates/Entries are just not appearing, or are just getting lost.
– Click on the “Home” button or using a Browser refresh does not always work.

These are just a few items that I have noticed so far, and I am sure I will find more, and I am hoping that readers will point out things that I have missed.

Please let me know what you find!


Helpful Links


Side Notes

Google announced “Buzz” today…

Backups Online Life Reviews Software – First Look

One of my readers pointed this out to me last week. (Thanks Steve!)

Backupify, which uses Amazon “cloud” as the backup medium, so everything is done online, and quickly!

What makes this service unique, as compared to services like iBackup, is that Backupify only backs up your online life.

As of this blog entry, Backupify supports the following services:

  • Flickr
  • Twitter
  • Delicious
  • Zoho
  • Google Docs
  • Photobucket
  • WordPress

and is in Beta for:

  • Basecamp
  • Gmail
  • Facebook
  • FriendFeed
  • Blogger
  • Hotmail

with the following “soon to come“:

  • Youtube
  • Xmarks
  • RssFeed
  • Tumblr

Now until February 15th, Backupify is offering a “Free Account Giveaway”.


Sign up is quick, and does not require much more then a Name, eMail address and a Password, and your in, but you will need to Verify your email address.

From there, you are presented with a “Dashboard” of services to configure.

Setting up a Flickr was a simple as using the wizard to connect, basically UserName and Password (going through your Yahoo account). Done.

With WordPress, I had to download a zipped (.zip) plug-in, and up-zipped it.

There is no “Read Me” file, or simple what to do next.

I opened the enclosed “wp-backupify.php” file, and in reading, it appears at first glance that this type of backup is if you host your own WordPress environment.

It would have been nice if Backupify had said something along these lines. (Will investigate later… maybe…)

Gmail is another enter UserName and Password, with a “Please read this before setting up your Gmail account”, that when followed, only states that “Gmail Backup Temporarily Disabled” which was posted December 23, 2009. (Merry Christmas!)

When I checked my email later, I did get notification that: “Gmail backup has been throttled back to once every 3 days until we finish implementing new changes to support the high volume of Gmail backups

Facebook is the standard “Connect to your Facebook account”, asks for permissions, and then allows you to choose what you want to backup: Photos, Friends, Statuses, Links, Notes and Events. You also have the ability to add another Facebook account.

Since I do not have any other accounts offered, I went down to “Backup Settings”, which is very primitive.

You only get a frequency: Weekly vs. Daily, and a Notification email settings: Every time, Daily, Weekly or Do Not, then you click “Save”. My settings are the Default: Daily & Daily.

From the main Dashboard, you can select the “Archive” tab and which service to look at.

I found that my Flickr images have already been backed up!

When I check Facebook, it only appears that my images have been backed up, even though, I had selected the Default settings of everything (see above), upon further review, there are other files, namely XML files.

The Dashboard “History” tab says everything was successful.


On the surface, it looks like that information is available, but trying to Restore your online life is going to take some time.

Images are readily available from Flickr and Facebook backups, but your content from Facebook is saved as a XML file (.xml), but as of this writing, I am not sure how one would integrate this back into a Facebook account.


The Backupify does do what it says. It backs up your files. Period.

The question that I have, and you should also, how does one do a Restore?

The Testimonials only talk about Backing up, but that is only half of the issue.

Having been a Enterprise Backup Administrator for several years, I would like to see some more controls, and some more documentation.

To be fair, I have not spent allot of time trying to find this info at the Backupify site, but at the same time, the info is not right in front of you, and trust me, when you are facing potential data lose, you do NOT want to be running around trying to figure out what to do.

Another thing that is not easily apparent, is the cost of the Service.

I did find one link that suggested I could find Costs, but it made me sign up, and I still can not easily find an answer.

In searching the FAQ, the word “Cost” only appears once, and if you carefully read the FAQ, it does hint at some of my concerns with a Restoration.

To me, there is also a feeling of scare tactics, but this might be the way that I personally handle my data.

My Facebook data is disposable. I have a backup of my images in my local environment, and if there is something important, I deal with it locally.

In regards to the backup from Images services (Flickr, etc.), at least in my work-flow, I have everything Local, then I post, so I already have a backup so to speak.

I maybe missing something here, but at this point, I am not sure how long I will keep my Free Backupify account.

Please let me know your thoughts.

– Andrew
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